Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Up with Dish cloths

If you look at this small piece of knitted art sort of squinty eyed you will see a partridge in a pair tree finished just in time to be a Christmas/housewarming gift for a friend of mine. I will admit that the pattern is rather subtle, but it was fun to knit. I had no idea what it was going to be. I got the pattern from a dishcloth knit along. Patterns are revealed just a few lines a day starting on the 1st and 15th of the month. The first one is a picture and the second is a pattern. I joined this KAL some time ago when it was just in it's toddlerhood. It is now a full grown KAl with more than 5,000 members. That's practically more people than the town I grew up in! (Which says as much about where I grew up as it does the KAL). It's a very friendly group. Members share hints, tips, triumphs and failures. They also talk about their lives and share their losses. Recently, one member asked for prayers after her mother passed away and another wrote one right then and there. It's a great group and I want to hand out kudos to Andi who founded it and puts a ton of work into keeping it up. My oversized hat is off to her dedication.
All hail the mighty dishcloth. They're quick to make and gauge doesn't matter. If they look good, they make wonderful gifts. And if you're not so happy with how it comes out, you can still use it to wash dishes. They're also cheap - you can get a skein of cotton yarn for less than $1.20 on sale. Dishcloth patterns also make great squares for blankets.

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