I generally find myself being somewhat contemplative around the end of the year. Actually, I'm like that most of the time but at the end of the year, I have a better excuse. I like to start by looking back and noting how things went. I certainly learned a lot - like when the directions say to knit 5 inches before starting the decrease and you've knit 6 inches - you really should frog an inch even if you're on a serious knitting deadline for Christmas. You can see there results if you don't - a silly gnome-like top. So instead of
frogging an inch, I had to frog the whole top! Silly knitter. The result was worth it - a nice rounded top that delighted the recipient.
Thankfully, I remembered a lesson from years past and didn't put too many things on the "must knit" list. There were just the two hats. The pink one was finished on the ride to the party where it was handed over, but it was handed over complete. (Unlike the year I gave my dad a hat
with the needles still in the top - I explained that I wanted to get the fit just right).
I also tried something new this year - taking a quick inventory of my favorite projects for the year. I highly recommend that. I found the retrospective made me appreciate the projects even more. My short list includes:
green lace scarf for a friend
green lace scarf for a friend
felted pink purse for cousin
ruffly baby hat for friend
little itty bitty hats for charity
My other big lesson for the year is that it is okay to frog a UFO. Not everything that is cast on is meant to be finished. It's like taking a ribbon off a kite and letting it fly higher.
Along with contemplation of the previous year comes contemplation of the coming year. Resolutions! My expert tells me they should be lofty but grounded. They should be defined with actions. So here are my knitting goals:
This is the year of cables. I have dabbled in them but now I want to embrace them. I want to understand them and be able to create with them freely.
Action: make at least three items with cables.
Stash collection: I wouldn't call it stash busting since I believe yarn should be collected as much as it should be knit. But I do want to free the yarns that would be better used by someone else to make room for ones I love. This is challenging for a natural-born collector such as myself. I cling to possessions - even useless ones. On some level I think it makes me feel comforted to have an abundance, but it gets to the point of choking me and holding me back.
Action: Donate unloved yarns to good cause.
Sweaters. I have yarn from Italy that is intended for a sweater. I knit a sweater once. It took forever and came out only okay. I have been unable to motivate myself to make another one since. My excuse with this yarn is that I have been unable to find the right pattern. I think I have it now.
Action: Knit the Sweater!
Organization. I have wonderful supplies scattered about the house. I can usually find what I need or I make do with what I can find. Wouldn't it be wonderful to know exactly where everything is?
Action: Clean up messy knitting drawers (again)
Action: Clean up messy knitting drawers (again)
I'd love to hear about your lessons and resolutions!
May the coming year bring you many great knitting discoveries and joys along with enduring happiness in the rest of your life.
As a person who LOVES goals and New Years, I really liked your actions statements. Simple. To the point. Your list seems doable. Can't wait to see what cable-ly goodness you knit. :)
I'm with you on clean out some of the lesser loved yarn. I'm really, really going to try that. Let me know if you find a place to donate it. Also I'm going to keep pushing on the UFO front - didn't do so well this summer . . . .
Between you and Allison, you two created enough hats this past year to warm a small country! LOL
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