Tuesday, January 05, 2010


I finally returned to my studio/office after two weeks of working anywhere else in the house since we had guests and little people mucking about. In the intervening time, this space was the dumping ground as other rooms were cleaned. As a result, I literally couldn't see the top of the table that serves as a desk and crafting space.

The frustrating thing is that I could have written this post last year! I remember distinctly starting out 2009 determining that I was going to get organized once and forever. Every room in my house would be clear of clutter. Everything would have a place and I would return it to that place and stay stocked up with just enough of the right supplies so that I would have what I needed in hand. So why, a year later, did I have to spend 30 minutes moving piles just so I could put down my computer?

I should let myself off the hook at least a little bit in that I share this house with a number of other people who have various capabilities and desires to clean up after themselves. There are, in fact, several areas of the house that have been organized several times over the year because little people have repeatedly unorganized them.

Still, it seems that if organization is my goal year after year after year, I should be further along than I am! It makes me wonder if I should just quite torturing myself and give in to the chaos. Can organization be achieved? I am as organized as I ever will be?

I think an honest assessment would reveal that things are better than they would be if I weren't trying so hard. I'm not naturally inclined toward neatness. I'm just too busy. I buzz from one project to the next and I hate stopping the progress to put things away. (Yes, I do recognize that sooner rather than later progress stops anyway since there is no longer room to move).

I also hate throwing things away. I am plagued with the common "I might need it someday" syndrome. There is a reasonable basis for this issue. Often, I find that I really do have need of something I saved. And, at least once this year I was seriously burned because I disposed of something I shouldn't have.

I guess the quesiton is do I have too much stuff or that I just don't know how to put it away properly? Or that I don't put it away even if it does have a space?

If you've got any suggestions - send them my way. Meanwhile, if I discover any silver bullets, I'll post!


Dorothy said...

No silver bullet here - but I often start new years vowing to be more organized, and usually find myself defeated by February. I totally blame most of it on the little people...

Bonnie O. said...

No suggestions because I could have written this post. Especially this part:
I'm not naturally inclined toward neatness. I'm just too busy. I buzz from one project to the next and I hate stopping the progress to put things away.

Two peas in a pod, my friend!

Anonymous said...

I am SOOOOOO related to you. THere is a phone call in the future, my fingers can not express the empathy I have!
