Happy Fourth of July to All! It's all about family and fireworks at our house. We're headed to Connecticut for a big two-week long party.
But, at the heart is a celebration of freedom - freedom that we can hardly truly appreciate since we've lived with it all our lives. The bombs discovered in London are a grim reminder of how valuable and important our freedom is. People all over this world are fighting to get it or to take it away. I wish it weren't so. I wish we could all appreciate each other and work together to make life better for all of us. Though it is unlikely given history and the internal drive to look out for ourselves and our own, still I hope to see it in this life time. (Actually, I'd really be happy just to see it in my own household LOL )
And on a much lighter note: the progress on the shawl made from my husband's yarn, which is
from Honduras via Mexico. I finally figured out the lace pattern and have since gotten into the rhythm of it. There are a few holes here and there from my having done something wrong, but I'm hoping that I can fix them later or won't notice them. I figured out that I am not going to have enough to make the shawl as the pattern is written. So here is what I am thinking: instead of making it a triangle, I will make it a rectangle with colorful triangles at either end. I'll switch to black now and knit half way and then make another piece just like that and connect them in the middle. I'm not sure yet if I'll continue in pattern for the black or switch to something else. I'm also not sure how I'll join the two.
I'm getting the "when are we going to go" whine, so I better get ready to go!
Oh say can you see?...